sábado, marzo 22, 2008

Easter's free hugs: Direct from Sidney

Para quienes aún preguntan de dónde viene el movimiento de Abrazos Gratis (Free Hugs), aquí lo que su iniciador, Juan Mann hizo para Pascua en su ciudad.
Publicado con permiso de Sun-Seeker, tomado de la entrada de diario original en DeviantArt

[...] We then fell to the ground suffering greatly from hunger pangs and decamped to the Pitt street mall to hit the food halls!

But a road block in the form of world famous hug giver Juan Mann and friend dressed in a Rabbit suit in the middle of the mall giving free hugs. If you don’t know Juan he became famous for giving away hugs for nothing. Visit their website and get a look...

He’s the tall dude with the sexy facial hair and neo intellectual glasses! Of course the girls in the meet led by Keirra had to get their hugs… then they thought… what if we get some mobile phone music going and introduce dance to this gig… Funny, and the rabbit was into it!

Then they thought how about some sychronised dancing…. See Juan in the background?

(Aquí iban unas fotos de Juan Mann, pero el autor las retiró de la red)

sábado, marzo 15, 2008